The India China Institute condemns the violence and ongoing harassment directed against Asian residents, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the United States. We express our deepest sympathy and support to those targeted in such incidents. Visit the Stop AAPI Hate platform to report anti-Asian hate crimes.


international scholarship, research, and creative collaboration



This symposium, marking the twentieth anniversary of ICI, will explore how thinking with the pasts and presents of India, China, and the United States can help us analyze the challenges of the contemporary moment and reflect on alternative futures.

April 24th and 25th, 2025

20th Anniversary Symposium




Zha Jianying’s Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival – Part 3

Zha Jianying's third installment of her five-part memoir,  Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival is here. This part details the devastating impact of the Anti-Rightist Campaign and the Cultural [...]

Zha Jianying’s Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival – Part 2

Zha Jianying is sharing the second installment of her five-part memoir, Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival - Part 2. This installment explores the "Diligent Work and Frugal Study [...]

Zha Jianying’s Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival

ICI long-time contributor, Zha Jianying, is pleased to share her new article, Trains: A Chinese Family History of Railway Journeys, Exile, and Survival. This is the first installment of a five-part memoir. This preview is an [...]

Former Fellow Mahendra P. Lama’s Understanding India’s China Dependence Syndrome

An article by Mahendra P. Lama, titled Understanding India’s China Dependence Syndrome, is available published in In India-China Dialogues Beyond Borders: Cultural, Social Economic and Political Perspectives. The reading provides insight into the relationship between India [...]

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