By ANDREW KUECH, 7/16/2015. Wanted to share all of these great pictures of the green side of Hong Kong not normally seen or associated with touristy ventures to this island. Im a pretty avid hiker when I have the chance and Ive been really happy to find a pretty amazing network of old and (mostly) well trodden trails that link up all of the many steep lush mountains that make up the topography of Hong Kong. After learning about the Maclehose trail that connects 100 kilometers of trails across Hong Kong, I decided to spend some of my weekend days venturing out to see the non-neon-lighted and densely packed side of Hong Kong. Though its almost insanely hot and humid, taking little local mini-buses to the middle of the mountains and venturing up a trails Im mostly certain are correct, the payoff is pretty great. From the tops of the mountains here in Hong Kong you can get some great perspective on Hong Kong’s past and present. Hong Kong city is an amazing metropolis that spreads almost naturally inside and within the many bays, harbors and cliffs that the city is situated within. Deep in the mountains are old abandoned houses from old Hakka villages as well as military barracks and patrol stations that are a mix pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial times. Hiking around the outskirts of Hong Kong as well, I got a great chance to see more common, residential life of the average Hong Kong resident. There are so many people in Hong Kong and so few places to live that huge apartment buildings fill almost every available space in on the island. Far outside of downtown Hong Kong, though, life within and amongst these outskirt highrises is a little slower, with lots of local noodle shops, little kids playing in alleys and small gardens tended by the elderly. Pretty cool stuff, even if everyone is really surprised to see a foreign wandering through their neighborhood.