By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/06/2015. Oh man, what a trip! Pure beauty. Whoever crated this earth, he or she did a darn magnificent job—because even excrescences are beautiful.
The landscape changed drastically from urban industrious and polluted to green, scenic, peaceful and natural. It was night and day in a matter of miles/minutes, well, kilometres, over here miles is not the mode of calculation when it comes to distance. The city is very populated and everyone is on a motorbike, a moped, or some form of automobile. The air pollution is problematic and one can feel the dirt and fine particles on one’s face, so washing your face is crucial if you don’t want to break out.
Getting to Sanchi after the madness that is the urban area, was what the doctor recommended. Pure and utter peace and serenity, in a lusciously green backdrop. The rice fields and agricultural cultivation can be seen for miles. Sachi is located on top of a hill so the elevation allows for a panoptical view.
We were going to hire a taxi for the day but a staff member at the clinic recommended that we use his son. It worked in our favour because it is someone familiar and the fare stays in the family. He was accompanied by his best friend, and we brought our friend who could speak Hindi in case we needed to translate anything. We all enjoyed the beauty of Sanchi and everyone were in a state of tranquillity.
As an ex-competitive sprinter, I look for moments when I can relive my glory days. There are these ancient stone steps all over Sanchi that looks like hurdles—so, obviously, I suggested we race to the top. And yes, I won! I kicked those younglings…#ageinggracefully, haaha. Sanchi is one of those places that you have to visit once to fully comprehend its history, its intent, and its significance in human progress.
Upon our return, we all had lunch together and decompress from the experience…cool down period. I will now get some work done and then do final gift shopping before I depart on Saturday morning. It is bitter-sweet leaving India. Upon my next arrival, I will ensure to spend more time in the country side rather than the City—however, the City is where I was needed for this trip. The next trip, I will ensure I spend time grazing on the greenery that this sacred and mystical place has to provide.
Do you believe in omens? If you haven’t read The Alchemist, I kindly suggest that you do. It is a life-changer, fo shizzle. Oh, I forgot to mention. If you have not been exposed to Indian pop music, your life is about to change. It gives Korean pop a run for its money. I was first exposed to K-pop whilst in San Francisco, and I fell in love—it’s over the top fun! Think New Year’s Eve spectacle but in a music video, high entertainment.