By JIALEI TANG, 6/27/2016. The city of silk and beauties, Suzhou has a similar storyline to Hangzhou. Yet, I find it more serene than the latter. Probably because it is also easier to get around with the absence of a lake puncturing the centre of the city. I must acknowledge that I have an almost insensible fondness for Suzhou.

Indeed, with a museum crafted by I.M. Pei, one of my most respected architecture masters, it is quite understandable why it has an exquisite hold over me.
The museum exists harmoniously with its context. The structure reciprocates the rich history of Suzhou, looking to local architectural elements of 粉墙黛瓦 Fèn Qiáng Dài Wâ, (Pastel Walls, Ink Roofs). At the same time, its exhibits modernist characteristics with its sleek silhouette.

Prof. Pei considered the Suzhou context in his design and synthesized it with his creativity. It proves to be very successful, and the Suzhou Museum is an unmistakable, original Chinese landmark.