List of Questions to My Informant By Feng Chen, 07/15/2018

I. Basic Demographics

Psudo Name

Gender and Sexuality

Year of birth

Marital status

Education level

City of residence

Major(s) in college in India and the United States


II. Migration Experience

  1. Which year did you go to the United States?
  2. How long have you been living in the United States?
  3. Did you obtain any degree or professional qualification licenses in the United States? If so, please specify?
  4. Did you work before your migration? If so, how many years had you been working before your migration? What kind of job were you engaged? What is the average income for your position in India and the United States respectively?
  5. Have you been working since your return to India? What kind of job have you been doing? Is there any difference between the job you did before and after migration, in terms of income growth and positions?
  6. Why did you go to the United States? What are your main goals by going to the United States? Have you achieved those goals? Can you achieve those goals without going abroad?
  7. What is your major gain by going to the United States, both visible/tangible and invisible/intangible gain?
  8. How would you compare your life chances/life and work in the United States and that in India?
  9. What is the gain and loss for you to migrate? What is the gain and loss for you to stay?
  10. What are the major obstacles did you encounter in the United States, regarding your career path?
  11. What are the major obstacles have you been encountering in India, regarding your career path?
  12. What is your major concern of your life in India?
  13. What is your major concern for you to live in the United States?
  14. Does your experience of migration improve your life and work in India? If so, how does it improve your life and work?
  15. Have you been discriminated in India? If so, can you specify what type of discrimination that you face? How did you handle it? Why?
  16. Have you been discriminated in the United States? If so, can you describe your experience of being discriminated? How did you respond? Why?
  17. Is caste system in the United States bothering you? If so, how is it bothering you?
  18. Do you consider yourself a victim or a winner in the existing social structure in India?
  19. Can migration partly overcome the obstacles and concerns that you encounter in India? If so, how? If not, why?
  20. Do you plan to go back to the United States in 5 years? If so, why? If not, why not?
  21. Do you still contact your friends in the United States?
  22. What is the attitude of your family toward your migration?
  23. Would you encourage your friend or relatives to migrate? In what circumstances? Why or why not?