Thugs in a Temple!? WTF!?
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/16/2015. Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal Interesting experience. I met with a Brahmin priest upon my arrival who informed me of the rules: [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/16/2015. Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal Interesting experience. I met with a Brahmin priest upon my arrival who informed me of the rules: [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/10/2015. Such stimulating conversations post dinner...we had to take photos as a marker of good times. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/09/2015. Made it to Nepal! The view of the Himalayas flying into Nepal is what dreams of made of. I mean, pure [...]
By KAROLINA KOPEK: Today was my last day visiting the Minhang Campus and it was off to an interesting start. I think most of my further [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/06/2015. Oh man, what a trip! Pure beauty. Whoever crated this earth, he or she did a darn magnificent job—because even excrescences [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/05/2015. I watched Hero, again, and loved every minute of it…hence the title of today’s post. I visited the mosque today intimidating…different [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/04/2015. I spent time at the Bhopal Memorial Hospital yesterday. Oh man. I got to shadow a physician who is specialized in [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/04/2015. I went to Old Market and shopped for fruits and veggies. It was raining so my trip was short. It is [...]
By ATIBA ROUGIER, 8/03/2015. It has been years since I flew a kite but I did just that yesterday. It was a moment of nostalgia [...]