(Watch Video) China Made: the techno-politics, materialities, and legacies of infrastructure development
February 10, 2021 , 10:00 am – 11:30 am
The China Made project seeks to build an innovative research agenda for an infrastructural approach in the China Studies field. We approach infrastructure as both an empirically rich material object of research and an analytical strategy for framing research questions and approaches that help us explore more nuanced realms of techno-politics, everyday life, and spatio-temporal change in contemporary and historical China. In this panel, we focus on four key arenas of inquiry: the infrastructural state, infrastructure space, temporalities of infrastructure, and the everyday. Overall, we draw from two broad strands of inquiry in developing our approach. These include, first, recent efforts to rethink the materiality of infrastructures not as an inert or relatively stable basis upon which more dynamic social processes emerge and develop, but rather as unstable assemblages of human and nonhuman agencies. Second, we draw on work that explores the often hidden (techno)political dimensions of infrastructures, through which certain intended and unintended outcomes emerge less from the realms of “policy” and “implementation” and more from the material dispositions and effects of infrastructural formations themselves. These strands of inquiry are brought together as part of our effort to recognize that the infrastructural basis of China’s approach to development and statecraft deserves a more concerted theorizing of infrastructure than what we have seen in the China Studies field thus far.
- Timothy Oakes: Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Asian Studies University of Colorado Boulder.
- Alessandro Rippa: Associate Professor of Chinese Studies Tallinn University.
- Darren Byler: Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Asian Studies University of Colorado Boulder.
- Dorothy Tang: Doctoral student at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning.