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New Urban Forms, New Fields of Inquiry Conference: China and India

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New Urban Forms, New Fields of Inquiry Conference: China and India

April 17, 2015 April 18, 2015

New Urban Forms, New Fields of Inquiry: China and India will explore new ways of looking at the interplay of the conceptual and the material in studies of urban India and China. A collaborative and exploratory field-building exercise, this conference will pursue alternatives to theories of social science and design that sometimes draw upon universalist and/or linear assumptions about processes such as capitalism, urbanization, and modernity. Instead, our conference participants, many of whom have engaged in ethnographic, interpretive, or other qualitative approaches to urban forms and processes, will pursue new concepts and expose areas of future inquiry based on their work on urban and urbanized spaces of China and India. ICI believes that a conference engaging scholars committed to theorizing from careful, contextualized studies of Chinese and Indian cities has the potential to create new fields of inquiry. Please check back for updates on logistical information about this conference.

Keynote Speaker:


Terry McGee

Professor, Former Director
Institute of Asian Research
University of British Columbia


April 17, 2015
April 18, 2015
Event Category:

Wollman Hall

65 West 11th Street Room B500
New York, NY 10011 USA
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