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Research Award for The New School Students

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Research Award for The New School Students

Information Session & Past Student Fellows’ Presentations

November 30, 2021

, 9:00 am

10:00 am
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India China Institute at The New School is pleased to announce the student research award 2022 and is now welcoming applications from full-time undergraduate and graduate students at The New School. This is an exciting opportunity for students to design and implement thorough archival research or secondary research on a topic of their choice within the context of India, China and beyond.

Join the information session and learn more about the opportunity by hearing from the previous cohort of ICI student fellows. The cohort consists of six students who conducted research in 2019 – 2020 and will present brief reflections on their work and experiences.

2019 – 2020 Student Fellows


India China Institute at The New School


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