The India China Institute condemns the violence and ongoing harassment directed against Asian residents, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the United States. We express our deepest sympathy and support to those targeted in such incidents. Visit the Stop AAPI Hate platform to report anti-Asian hate crimes.

Events for April 8, 2009 - October 18, 2017

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Carol Breckenridge Memorial

Wolff Conference Room 6 East 16th Street, New York, NY, USA

2nd Memorial for Carol Breckenridge, former chair of History Department. Speaker: Gayatri Spivak Title: Situating Feminisms in Delhi Date & Time: Monday, November 07, 2011, [...]

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Arab Spring | American Autumn | Indian Summer

Lang Cafe 65 West 11th Street First Fl., New York, NY, USA

India China Institute invites you to a discussion with PREM SHANKAR JHA Prem Shankar Jha is a visiting fellow at The India China Institute at [...]

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Water, Culture, and Climate Change

The India China Institute invites you to Water, Culture, and Climate Change, an event that is co-sponsored by the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at [...]

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India Conversations | Beijing

India Conversations: Inaugural Interdisciplinary Symposium For Emerging Scholars On February 18, 2012 an Inaugural Symposium for Emerging Scholars took place in Beijing, China. It was [...]

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